To edit, to edit, to make a good book

After what seems like an eternity away from the second book, I finally sat down today to edit.  This past week, I've been busy, indulging in my other passion - gardening.  Building seed raising beds, practicing my reversing of a trailer - which I'm happy to report I managed to make it down our curvey driveway without hitting anything - which for me is a miracle as I've only ever reversed a trailer once before.

So I've been distracted.  The weather has been magnificant for gardening, and the timing is right for getting all the hard physical labor jobs out of the way before spring bounces in through the seasonal door.

Back to where I started... that's right.  I sat down this morning to get some work done.  Master 3 is at daycare, partying with all the other 3-4 year olds.  Mr Green is at work, not partying with his co-workers (although I can't rule this one out all together) and I was left at home with my computer and a pot of green tea.

As soon as I made the tea, the two gold fish decided they wanted lunch.  They paced the tank and proceeded to open and close their mouths quickly.  I could only imagine the foul language eminating from their little mouths.  It would have made a sailor blush, as my dear old dad used to say.

So I fed them, then the two cats decided they needed their three fresh biscuits at lunch (why the biscuits in the bowl aren't good enough, I'll never know)... So eventually, I managed to sit down at the computer, with my lunch in front of me, and a pot of green tea ready to dedicate myself to several hours of editing....

I lasted about an hour, before the garden called to me, demanding that I finish trying to strike the rose prunings... After an hour out in the cold, I came back inside, only to have two cats sitting either side of me while I attempted to edit.

Every now and then one of the cats would lean his head on my shoulder and give me a rub.  How I tried to ignore him, and I thought I'd won, until he turned and drank, with big slurping gulps, the last of my green tea out of my cup.

Normally, I do not condone this type of behaviour from my cats.  I will tell them off sternly, reminding them that only people drink out of cups and that their freshly filled water bowl was in the kitchen.  

As I went to the kitchen to put my cup in the dishwasher, the resident magpie stood on the window sill giving me the magpie equivalent look of "I'm here for afternoon tea."   I ignored the goldfish who were by this stage, storming up and down their fishtank, long enough to cut a few small pieces of old bitey cheese and take it out to them.

Once again, I had to remind them of our agreement.  That I would give them a little cheese IF and only IF they helped rid my garden of nasty bugs and grubs.  I came inside and fed the goldfish for what felt like the 10th time today, and by the time I'd reheated my pot of tea and got a fresh cup out of the cupboard, I had to visit the bathroom.

So on the whole, out of a potential eight hours of editing I could have done today, I've done three chapters or about 2,000 words.  I don't feel any closer to the end of the book.

The problem with glimmer is I'm writing it differently to pulse.  There's more motives, and more character feelings in the book... I know in my heart, that I won't be able to release it until I've finished the third book, Shine.

Anyway from my wildlife to yours, hope you stay safe until next I make the time to blogg again.


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