technical problems
So it seems my last blog didn't make it onto the web. Which is a shame because it was some of my best writing yet - and I can say that because it will never see the light of day, and no one will know if it was utter rubbish or completely brilliant.
From memory, I harped on about my state of lack of funds (which is a common problem) and the fact that I'm grateful that I still have a roof over my head and food in my belly, so things aren't that bad.
So instead of looking at the reasons why I can't afford something, I've had to be crafty. Not in the scrapebooking department, I'm taking about lateral thinking. Coming up with ways I can achieve my goals but without having to spend mega bucks.
For instance, I've been on to Mr Green about a greenhouse. Oh I love the really expensive ones but unfortunately my bank account has a decimal in the wrong place (just like how $25.00 could be $2500.00 if you could push the dot a few spots to the right).
Anyway I built myself a seed propagation bed for the pricely sum of $30 - the cost was sand and some rope christmas lights that have been misused (which I shall not talk about). The rest of it was savaged from what we had lying around.
I've still got a bee in the bonnet about a greenhouse (and I'm trying to figure out how to 'accidently' pick up the materials while doing the grocery shopping one week and sneaking them home so Mr Green (aka The Bean counter) won't notice.
Now I've got another bee in my bonnet (it's a good thing I don't wear bonnets, although I do quite like them) and it's about a compost bin. But at the pricely sum of $50, I have way too many other competing priorities for that (like rose fertilizer, because I'm getting a trailer load of free roses from a friend).
So my next garden project (apart from trying to make garden beds appear out of thin air) is to make a compost bin from what I have lying around the place.
Oh and on the writing front, I'm still busily working on the second book. All I can say is hold onto your hats because there are some major plot developments, and things get really tricky (but not in the way you expect).
If you thought Pulse was your typical YA book, with an unpopular girl falling for a popular boy, then wait until you get to Glimmer. Things heat up. We spend more time in The Realm and we find out what it's like to Glimmer. Everyone runs around doing what they think is best, which creates chaos - and maybe that's a good thing.
I so wish I had a magic wand and I could just empty the contents of my head onto the page and everyone would be able to understand the story the way I see it. I'm even getting distracted from the compost pile thinking about the third book, and how incredibly different the last two books are from the first one. Everytime I tried to rewrite the first book, the characters wouldn't let me because it went against who they were, back then, in the early days of their existance.
Take care and play safe.
Until next time.
PS - do you PS in the blog world? Anyway I found my previous post - the one I thought I lost. It's not my best work. I'm so full of cow manure, you could grow petunas out of my head.
From memory, I harped on about my state of lack of funds (which is a common problem) and the fact that I'm grateful that I still have a roof over my head and food in my belly, so things aren't that bad.
So instead of looking at the reasons why I can't afford something, I've had to be crafty. Not in the scrapebooking department, I'm taking about lateral thinking. Coming up with ways I can achieve my goals but without having to spend mega bucks.
For instance, I've been on to Mr Green about a greenhouse. Oh I love the really expensive ones but unfortunately my bank account has a decimal in the wrong place (just like how $25.00 could be $2500.00 if you could push the dot a few spots to the right).
Anyway I built myself a seed propagation bed for the pricely sum of $30 - the cost was sand and some rope christmas lights that have been misused (which I shall not talk about). The rest of it was savaged from what we had lying around.
I've still got a bee in the bonnet about a greenhouse (and I'm trying to figure out how to 'accidently' pick up the materials while doing the grocery shopping one week and sneaking them home so Mr Green (aka The Bean counter) won't notice.
Now I've got another bee in my bonnet (it's a good thing I don't wear bonnets, although I do quite like them) and it's about a compost bin. But at the pricely sum of $50, I have way too many other competing priorities for that (like rose fertilizer, because I'm getting a trailer load of free roses from a friend).
So my next garden project (apart from trying to make garden beds appear out of thin air) is to make a compost bin from what I have lying around the place.
Oh and on the writing front, I'm still busily working on the second book. All I can say is hold onto your hats because there are some major plot developments, and things get really tricky (but not in the way you expect).
If you thought Pulse was your typical YA book, with an unpopular girl falling for a popular boy, then wait until you get to Glimmer. Things heat up. We spend more time in The Realm and we find out what it's like to Glimmer. Everyone runs around doing what they think is best, which creates chaos - and maybe that's a good thing.
I so wish I had a magic wand and I could just empty the contents of my head onto the page and everyone would be able to understand the story the way I see it. I'm even getting distracted from the compost pile thinking about the third book, and how incredibly different the last two books are from the first one. Everytime I tried to rewrite the first book, the characters wouldn't let me because it went against who they were, back then, in the early days of their existance.
Take care and play safe.
Until next time.
PS - do you PS in the blog world? Anyway I found my previous post - the one I thought I lost. It's not my best work. I'm so full of cow manure, you could grow petunas out of my head.
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